

Project actions should enable a landscape evolution from homogeneous forest and shrub areas to mosaic patches where open areas achieve a significant presence. That is new landscapes with higher habitat and species diversity and lower fire vulnerability.

The main expected results of the LIFE Montserrat project according to the project objectives are the following ones:

  • 01

    Development of ecosystem-based measures to increase resilience and stability of forests against wildfires

    Promoting the resilience and stability of forests (structuration, regeneration, threatened forest species, protected forests, and landscape pattern). Predominant habitats are Mediterranean pine forests (Actions C2, C3)

    Reduction of the fuel volume in strategic areas by grazing: diminishing 80% of fine combustible in about 4.000 ha.

    Minimize forest fires risk by maintaining a mosaic type landscape.

    Reduction of the costs of fire extinction.

    Reduction of wildfires recurrence from 70-100 to 250-500 years

    Increasing stakeholder awareness and involvement. More than 80 land stewardship contracts signed, 220 contracts grazing permit signed and 10 Livestock farmers associated (Actions A1, A2)

    Encouraging forest owners to protect and enhance forest biodiversity. (Action A1)

    Ensuring economic-based sustainability of Natura 2000 network sites.

  • 02

    Contribution to the conservation and improvement of the biodiversity in Montserrat area

    Recovery of open habitats (Natura 2000 codes 6220* and 6420) among others. (Actions C2, C3)

    Recovery and/or maintenance of abandoned farmland habitats. (126 ha of abandoned olive tree plantations and 120 ha of abandoned farm land that could be grazed immediately) (Action C3)

    Increasing the survival rate and breeding success of Bonelli's eagle (Aquila fasciata). (Actions C1, C3)

    Increasing the number of other species of special conservation concern such as the Egyptian vulture (Neophron percnopterus), the black wheatear (Oenanthe leucura) and several bat species, and raising the population of prey species, mainly partridges and rabbits. (Actions C1, C3)

  • 03

    Creation of a mosaic of scrub, natural grasslands and forests that will link two Natura 2000 sites

    Conservation and improvement of landscape quality.

    Preserving and enhancing the functionality of the ecosystems as connectors (diminishing fragmentation, enhancing permeability and migration).

    Increasing the surface and health of mosaic ecosystems.


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