27 May 2015
The Generalitat de Catalunya (Catalan government) and the Diputació de Barcelona (Provincial Council of Barcelona) have signed a partnership agreement on forest fire prevention and extinction that will also be useful to create new communication mechanisms concerning all actors involved. This new agreement updates the one achieved ten years ago and it will improve both […]
6 May 2015
An Advisory Board has been created in order to ensure adequacy and relevance of all intended actions and as an instrument to provide advice to the project’s technical staff so that the main lines of the project remain properly focused throughout its life span. The Advisory Board is composed of a small number of experts […]
6 May 2015
Several meetings are taking place during April and May 2015 in different municipalities within the project area with the aim of recruiting new members to the Association of Forest Owners of Montserrat Surroundings (APFEM). The meetings fit within project’s action A1 and should both become a boost to the APFEM and strengthen active cooperation among […]
6 May 2015
Preventing forest fires and minimizing their effects are critical objectives of the project. Specialised forest fire units within the Fire Department have analysed fire spread patterns and historical forest fires in Montserrat and they have determined two main scenarios concerning extreme forest fires: Convective forest fires that can spread from the western side of the […]