Workshop with farmers

Workshop with farmers

16 October 2017

A meeting between LIFE Montserrat farmers and the project technical staff took place on 9 October in El Bruc Town Council.

Livestock holdings that benefit from LIFE Montserrat investments have already been selected at this stage, and they will all contribute to have grazing activity implemented in over 50% of the strategic areas for fire prevention identified within the project area.

During the meeting, LIFE Montserrat technicians explained to the farmers the present situation of the project as well as the remaining actions to be carried out until the end of the project. Once all questions exposed by the farmers had been solved, the issue was focused on the future of Montserrat Livestock Farmers Association. In the after-LIFE scenario it is important that farmers can see the benefits of remaining associated. In this regard, this kind of meetings are very helpful in strengthening links between farmers as they provide an appropriate context in which to explore common interests and opportunities.

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